Monika's kitchen/bedroom/storage room |
Helping Elisha with his Homework |
If I thought each and everyday was the same for these women I was wrong and pleasantly surprised that they do have some variety in their lives. Yesterday Monika began preparing our dinner while home on lunch break. I was expecting another piece of bread and tea for lunch but I was served a hot meal instead. Happy is Monika's 18 year old daughter and had been home preparing our lunch. Happy is waiting to go to college if they can find the funds. Monika has 5 children and each one has the hopes of passing primary school, passing secondary school and then heading on to college. Funds are tight with Monika with no husband and 5 children but they have huge faith in God that he will provide.
Gorgeous Monika preparing corn! |
We came home for lunch with the youngest, Elisha and were greeted by a meal of Dega. Now, I have been here for 5 years and have avoided this meal of tiny, TINY fish the entire time. They sell it in plastic bags that sit on the shelf for months before sold and I have always been extremely afraid to try it for obvious reasons. But I am spending the week trying new things and trying my hardest to live like a Tanzanian so I could not refuse (oh I forgot to write that I ate cow intestines the night before and survived). Although I would never seek this meal out again, it was hot, filling and prepared with love by Happy so how could I not be grateful?
After lunch it was time to get Elisha (the baby, 3 and a half) dressed in his play clothes and off to the day care center for the afternoon. Monika began to prepare for dinner by getting the corn ready and so she would have time for others things after work. I guess I will find out what those are this evening.
Elisha getting his play clothes on! |
I want to say that I have been talking with Monika for the past two days and her life is Hard! Hard doesn't even describe it. She has been training with Shining a Light for two years now. She knows how to bead, she is learning English, she does our inventory at the shop and she is developing business skills but she stills struggles to survive. With 5 kids all planning on college she must figure out a way to make a living and a good one at that. Hanging out with her this week is doing exactly what I had hoped. It's helping us figure out new ways to help these women. It's bringing new ideas to mind of how to help them set up business and market their products. We are figuring out where they are still struggling and what we as a program can improve on. It's exciting to have break throughs and develop ways to excel!
Looking forward to sharing more soon!
Lunch of tiny TINY fish |
I love following your adventure of living with Monika. This is an awesome idea Jennifer! These ladies are so blessed to have you and your big heart!