On Monday April 18th, 2011 Shining a Light's "Women to Work" project finally started. After a year of building relationships, raising funds and developing the best empowerment program we could, we have finally begun. The women come to our workshop each and everyday at 8:00 am to learn a skill that we believe will provide an income that will give them and their families a safe and secure future. Shining a Light is also empowering these women with educational classes on Health Care, Money Management, and weekly Bible Studies. We are very excited about the future of this program and the women who are participating. Some of the women have never had the independence of a job or an opportunity to pull themselves out of the extreme poverty that they find themselves in. Shining a Light is grateful to provide this to them. Other classes will be provided as well as we have discovered that many of these women have no education and have never learned to read or write. Please join with us in prayer that we would be able to breakdown culturally barriers, language barriers and every obstacle that we come across that would hinder our advancement in this project. Follow us on this blog as we introduce these women to you and make them personal so that you can share with us the joy of empowering them.
Thank You & God Bless