Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Shining Light is trying to start a soccer (or for those of you who are not from America, football) program here in Arusha. In the small village that I have been blessed to come live, work and be apart of we have a large open field. This field is right outside of my gate and everyday there are about 30 to 50 young boys of all ages that play here whether they have a ball or not. When they don't have a soccer ball they find anything they can roll up and use to kick around and enjoy Tanzanian's favorite sport. We feel this is an amazing opportunity to witness and work with these young boys to show them a better future. Right now we are supplying balls and just spending time with them. Please pray that the doors will be open for us to share the love of Jesus with them and to build relationships so that they might become the men that God intended them to be and so that they can one day be responsible husbands and fathers.